Well hello, blog friends!
Somehow several months flew by with no crafting, no blogging, and no word from me...
I have to wonder if anyone will even see this post.
So if you're here today, you are completely awesome.
So where have I been?
If you followed my blog in the past, you may remember that almost exactly a year ago, my family and I moved into our new home. Then of course we needed to purchase furniture and other things to fill our home. Then we both needed to replace our vehicles. Then came purchasing landscaping for our yard. When do the purchases end?
It didn't take long for us to realize that our home and related purchases were costing far more than our budget could allow for.
So, this once career girl turned stay-at-home-mom-until-our-daughter-enrolls-in-kindergarten returned to the career world sooner than planned (kindergarten isn't until Fall of 2015).
My job while gratifying seriously kicked my rear end for the first several months. I think part of it was due to having been out of the working routine for awhile and suddenly needing to readjust to the many things that go along with having a job, like setting the alarm and having something appropriate ready to wear. Then there was the whole learning a new place of work's way of doing things, thing.
It's been exhausting.
I have been really feeling my age and my out-of-shape physical status.
Well I'm happy to report that after the past nearly 6 months of working mostly 10-hour days instead of the 7-hour and 11-minute days that my contract calls for, thanks to my wonderful supportive husband (and plenty of caffeine) my family life is just fine. My completely amazing daughter has adjusted wonderfully to attending full-time preschool and amazes most everyone around her with her abilities. However, housework has taken a major hit, and I've not stepped foot into my scrap room.
The time for change is now.
Well, it was a week and a half ago, actually.
Yep, I cleaned the dust off my scrap table, unclogged my dried-up-from-lack-of-use bottle of fabri-tac, and played with paper... the
My Creative Scrapbook kit club February Main Kit as a matter of fact! and if you're a fabri-tac user, you can appreciate the incredible volcanic reaction that occurred when I unclogged that bottle!
I'll be back tomorrow with the My Creative Scrapbook kits along with a fun announcement :)